Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Looking back to a few months ago when I boarded the plane and flew back to California, I cannot imagine how I worked up the courage to do something like that. To leave behind my parents, friends, a career and the place that I've grown to love for the past 14 years of my life. I realize that I am really lucky to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard to do. I was pained at the thought of leaving behind everything dear to me, but then I realize that those I leave behind also felt the same way about me leaving. Not many people are lucky enough to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard for them. I left with a heart that felt loved and missed and I move forward with the thought that I shall see them all again someday, when I am ready. I am moving forward one day at a time with encouraging messages from those I hold dear to my heart.

I am glad for the technology that we have today, it allows me to keep in touch with everyone. It's great that there's Skype, Facebook, Instagram, Viber and all means of keeping in touch with family and friends. But then again, on a down side, I've realized that technology can never replace the joy of hearing real laughter and how contagious laughter can be, LOL can never replace the real thing. I realize that emoticons can never replace the warmth of an actual hug, the kisses on my forehead that my mom and dad used to give me. Photos of homemade dishes that my mom makes can never replace the excitement of seeing it in real life and the aroma that has me running to the dinner table and forgetting about counting calories. Technology, you are sweet but you can never replace the feelings and the use of other senses when things happen right in real life.

So for those of you guys who are lucky to have your family and friends within your reach, go give them a call instead of texting or sending a message on Facebook, make plans to hang out. Enjoy the moment. When you are with friends and family take a deep breath, take in the smell of the food you are about to eat, make eye contact when you talk and listen, enjoy the conversation (no cellphones allowed, limit your selfies and group pictures to just 5), give hugs, laugh till your stomach and cheeks hurt, laugh till you cry. Trust me, when these people are no longer around, you will smile or laugh to yourself as you recall those moments.

The quality of a moment is not defined by the number of great photos you take but rather the video that your heart captures when one day you look back and these memories are replayed in your heart.


  1. You are so brave and I hope your new adventure is bringing you SOOOO much happiness!! Thank goodness for technology to help it seem not so far. I totally agree, the best moments are not captured in pictures :)
    xo, Candace | Lovely Little Rants

    1. Awwww thank you and thank you for stopping by my blog. I hope you are making the most out of everyday moments with loved ones and friends, happy Wednesday to you! =)

  2. these sentiments are so true. we take family and friends for granted sometimes.

    1. Yeah. Sadly we only come to realize it when family and friends are so far away. =(

  3. Mel, I did not know you were blogging again! Forgive me. I just subscribed. I followed you on instagram, but didn't know you resumed. The last I remember, was you getting married. And what a fabulous wedding it was. I bet being a great distance from family and friends is an adjustment. I bet it's hard. I'm just happy we have the tech we do have.

  4. wow! How brave and awesome are you? Love your step of faith and what an encouragement it is to me!

  5. Such a great post. Nothing better than quality time with friends + family... especially when the cell phones are put away. Good luck to you, girlfriend!

  6. such a sweet post. you're right about emoticons and texts never replacing laughter and hugs, but at least it gives you a little bit of interaction with loved ones <3 good luck on your new adventure!!

  7. Love that picture and that quote. What you said about technology is so true - I always tell people to put down the camera or the phone every once in awhile and just be in the moment, which is so much more valuable.

  8. This is so true! Sometimes I stop and really think about appreciating the moment but it's almost too late: when we're leaving a party or when I'm saying goodbye. Memories are our greatest possession.
